Rapp’s rapid-fire dialogue eerily evokes a society hurtling down a troubling road and raises haunting questions about sacrifices made in the name of safety, productivity, and progress. Adam Rapp and Mike Cavallaro’s graphic novel, Decelerate Blue, published by First Second couldn’t have been released at a more opportune time. Sinónimos y antónimos de decelerate y traducción de decelerate a 25 idiomas. DECELERATE BLUE by Adam Rapp & Mike Cavallaro Theres an old English Beat song that ends 'faster faster faster faster STOP (Im dead)'. It’s a world of absolutes, strikingly reflected in Cavallaro’s jittery, angular illustrations, which largely forgo shading in favor of stark black-and-white scenes color is used only twice, powerfully heightening the emotions in each scene. Conoce el significado de decelerate en el diccionario inglés con ejemplos de uso. After Angela receives an illicit copy of a cult classic book, she discovers a literal underground movement striving to create a slower, more considered existence, and she finds unexpected (and tragic) romance with a fellow rebel, Gladys.

Fifteen-year-old Angela feels innately uncomfortable in a world in which everyone says “Go” when they’re finished speaking (as though hurling conversation back and forth), farm animals are branded with corporate logos, and cybernetic implants in citizens are just one aspect of a surveillance state. Highly recommended.In a futuristic riff on Romeo and Juliet, Rapp ( The Children and the Wolves) and Cavallaro ( Foiled) run with the idea that humanity is in the midst of a “great acceleration,” imagining a not-so-distant America in which speed, brevity, and commerce are prized above all else. With artwork appropriate to the subject, the book mixes a lesbian love story with warnings from 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.
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Verdict: The book could not be more timely as technology and consumerism seem to be the ultimate focus and privacy has become a thing of the past. Can they free the rest of the world before the powers that be shut down their utopian experiment From revolutionary and award-winning playwright Adam Rapp and. Black and white drawings are marked by color only twice in times of heightened emotion. Theres enough here for three or more books to give readers more time with Angela as she decelerates, learns, and finds love in resistance fighter Gladys.

Rapp’s world is reminiscent of 1984 where everyone is monitored for any seditious acts and severely punished when these are discovered. From revolutionary and award-winning playwright Adam Rapp and veteran cartoonist and animator Mike Cavallaro comes Decelerate Blue, a dark, breath-taking new vision of an all-too-plausible future for America. Angie (Angela) is so sick of these changesthe Mega Mall, the accelerating energybut inside of bodies, she finds a secret. It’s filled with new technology, deadly technology. The girl’s love for Gladys is interrupted by a mission above ground that leads to disaster. 17.99 Decelerate Blue is a story way into the future, and it isn’t looking too bright. Angela, 15, begins to find her answers when one of her teachers secretly slips her a book and her dying grandfather accidentally gives her the path to the rebels. The resistance movement focuses on slowing down as their form of rebellion, but they are forced to live underground to carry out their plans for a utopia. Protagonists in this dystopian graphic novel based on the “Romeo and Juliet” theme are lesbians who meet when they both try to escape a consumer-driven future when speed and efficiency are of the essence. Decelerate Blue is a story way into the future, and it isn’t looking too bright.