Sometimes, the electrical discharge can leave a tattoo-like marking or scar known as a Lichtenberg figure. its like my body is charging up or something. Being struck by lightning is a dangerous and scary experience and can even be fatal.
my "special power" would be my skin gets really hot before a storm comes.
it has always been embarrassing for me to be a full grown adult hiding under stuff everytime a fucking thunderstorm happens. also i never had a fear of storms until that point.

she told me i was being a cry baby and imagining things and refused to take me to the hospital. i cried and screamed the whole way to my moms work. vinegred While the flashes we see as a result of a lightning strike travel at the speed of light, an actual lightning strike travels at a comparatively gentle 270,000 mph. i flipped the fuck out because i figured out what just happened. i got about a block away next thing i know is i feel this intense heat and all i remember is being in the grass with smoke coming off of me. it was starting to rain and thunder so i took off running in hopes of getting there without getting completely drenched. i was locked out of my house and had to run to my moms work which was 4 blocks away. However, before you do that please check and make sure that your questions or concerns haven't already been answered here. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about /r/WTF you can contact us by clicking the ' message the moderators' link, located on the lower right hand side of the page. This includes banning users for spamming, shitposting, or causing trouble. *The moderators of /r/WTF reserve the right to moderate/curate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. (Hover to view - mobile users tap here) Shout Outs: Novelty accounts and bots are not allowed. Your post/comment will be removed if it is racist, sexist, vitriolic, or overly crude. Gore is not allowed: All forms of gore, which includes depiction of serious physical injury involving blood, flesh, bone and internal organs.ġ1.This also includes screenshots of Reddit.This includes rage comics, Print comics, web comics, anime videos/gifs & Manga.This includes Captioned Images, Memes, & Demotivational Posters.If they haven't been marked, they will be removed (and not reinstated).To see the original post outlining this rule, click here. Neither posts with political implications, nor politics of any kind are allowed, especially US politics.This includes posts which may incite activism, outcry, outrage or involve "injustice".This includes, but is not limited to, full names, phone/address & online profiles. All personal information will be removed, offenders banned.(but not limited to) Facebook, Youtube, 4chan. No screenshots of anything! 7 day ban for violation. All (& only) things that will make others say WTF* No Screenshots! Warning: 7 day ban for violation! No gore allowed - Please read rule 10. The scars, which bear a resemblance to natural tattoos, quickly garnered attention on the social networking site.READ THE RULES. Other names are "lightening flowers" or "skin feathering". Lichtenberg figures, or scars, are thought to be caused by a rupture from the electrical discharge. It is thought that 10 per cent of people struck by lightning die, with 70 per cent suffering serious problems including personality changes and even brain damage. Fatality rates are falling, but around 30 people per year still die from lightening strikes every year. Lightning releases a huge discharge of static electricity, killing 3,696 people in America between 19. Lichtenberg figures, named after German physicist Professor Georg Lichtenberg, are branching patterns created when high voltage electrical discharges pass through insulating materials, such as the human body. I love researching a new book - especially when I discover that, if struck by lightning, people are sometimes left… - why do these scars occur?